Article Index

Project name:

“RESISTANCE - Raising awarnESs of MaritIme Spatial planning imporTANCE”


Program Cross-border cooperation INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014. – 2020. – Theme clusters Standard+ and Standard Projects

Lead partner:

Municipality of Podstrana


•             Healthy City

•             Fondazione Cetacea Onlus (Cetacea Foundation)

•             Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia (University of Venice)

•             Universita degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara)

•             Regione Emilia Romagna (Emilia Romagna Region)

•             Public institution for the management of protected parts of nature Sea and Karst

•             Kornati National park Public Institution

Description of the project

RESISTANCE is project cooperation between different experts, representatives of local authorities, regional authorities , educational institutions and international environmental organizations, which will jointly capitalize their already developed good practices for sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. All project partners involved will work together to establish guidelines to preserve the wealth of the Adriatic Sea to achieve maximum economical benefits withprotection of the marine ecosystem . RESISTANCE will use good practice, results and all the amenities that are available from INTERREG projects SOUNDSCAPE, ECOSS, ECOMAP, NET4MPLASTIC, DORY, ML-REPAIR i SASPAS for the development of sustainable growth, solving pollution problems, contamination and the protection of the unique biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea.

The project goal:

The project goal RESISTANCE is to share the acquired knowledge and experience about the sea, but also about coastal river enviroment capitalising of the results of Interreg projects ECOMAP, ECOSS, Net4mPLASTIC, SOUNDSCAPE, DORY, SASPAS i ML-REPAIR. Project will support development of guidelines and methodology for Maritime Spatial planning at local and regional level. Project will contribute improving the quality of the marine environment and coastal area using sustainable and innovative technologies and access, sharing knowledge and good practice between Italian and Croatian partners and relevant stakeholders for Maritime Spatial planning.


Expected results:

1. Integrated methodologies and tools for sea ​​monitoring relevant to Maritime Spatial planning.

2. Synergies between projects involved and related stakeholders for support decisions within Maritime Spatial planning.

3. Increased ecological awareness between policy makers, local and regional communities, non-governmental organizations, general public, promotion and implementation of activities which will lead to sustainable coastal development.

Total budget of the project

599.675,00 €

Intensity of EU support


EU grants

509.723,75 €

Part of Public institution National park Kornati in total project amount

30.000,00 €

Implementation period of the project

01.04.2022. – 30.06.2023. godine




Study visit in Kornati National Park

Public instution Kornati National Park, as partner in Interreg project RESISTANCE - Raising awarnESs of MaritIme Spatial planning imporTANCE , organized the study visit of the day 20.07.2022. year.

The Municipality of Podstrana is the leading partner of the project, the other partners are Healthy City, Fondazione Cetacea Onlus (Cetacea Foundation), Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia (University of Venice), Universita degli studi di Ferrara (University of Ferrara), Regione Emilia Romagna (Emilia Romagna Region), Public institution for the management of protected parts of nature Sea and Karst and Kornati National park Public Institution.

The goal of study visit is to present the results of the Interreg project SASPAS - Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea in which JU NP Kornati was one of the partners.

Specific activities carried out in the area of ​​the Kornati National Park, within the project SASPAS, were the establishment of an environmentally friendly system for anchoring in five bays ( with a total of 52 anchoring systems) and transplanting and monitoring of sea grass Posidonia oceanicain order to prevent further damage to the posidnia meadows.

Given that the goal of the project RESISTANCE is to share acquired knowledge and experiences about the sea and the coastal river environment by capitalizing on the results of Interreg projects ECOMAP, ECOSS, Net4mPLASTIC, SOUNDSCAPE, DORY, SASPAS i ML-REPAIR we look forward to further activities within the project.

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